North Korea is a bizarre country to say the least. There are weird rules and systems in the country which believes the deceased founder Kim Il-sung still rules the regime in spirit form.

2017-3-17 · 7. North Korea has conducted five nuclear tests since 2006, in violation of international law. Two were conducted in 2016, including one that North Korea said was a powerful hydrogen bomb. 61 Interesting North Korea Facts | 2016-12-19 · North Korea has most of the Korean Peninsula’s mineral resources, such as high-grade iron ore deposits, anthracite coal, lignite coal, phosphate rock tungsten, lead, gold, silver, and copper. [8] In North Korea, there is one doctor for every 700 people and one hospital bed for every 350 people. The infant mortality rate is 51.34/1,000. [14] 10 things we do every day that are illegal in North Korea 10 things we do every day that are illegal in North Korea Oliver McAteer Thursday 14 May 2015 4:29 pm Share this article via facebook Share this article via twitter Share this article via messenger 10 Weird Facts About Kim Jong-un That Will Make You Go … 10 Weird Facts About Kim Jong-un That Will Make You Go WTF. by North Korea government spends tens of thousands of pounds per year on Swiss cheese import to keep the Supreme leader satisfied

2014-6-25 · North Korea claims to operate under the "Juche" ideology, or "rejecting dependence on others, using one’s own brains, and believing in one’s own strength," according to Kim Il …

Jan 29, 2013 · North Korea was long a big blank space on Google Maps.No roads were visible. No train lines. In fact, Pyongyang, the secretive communist nation's capital, was the only identified landmark. May 25, 2016 · 26 Weird and Bizarre Facts about North Korea that reveal the horrifying truth about life there. by Unbelievable Facts May 25, 2016, 3:42 am 7.5k Views Comments Off on 26 Weird and Bizarre Facts about North Korea that reveal the horrifying truth about life there North Korea has some serious regulations when it comes to what the citizens are allowed to do, but what about when it comes to the internet and the North Korea's roads add up to a distance of 25,554 kilometers. The circumference of Mercury is 15,329 km. The distance between Cleveland and New York is 463 miles. There are about 450 miles of

Ten Things to Know About North Korea - ThoughtCo

20 Things I Learned While I Was in North Korea — Wait But … 2013-9-20 · The lies range from big things—the government hammers away at the message that the US is preparing to attack North Korea, the press depicts South Korea as a suffering and American-occupied country, the leaders’ speeches talk about North Korea being the envy of the world with the highest quality of life—to tiny things—we met a soldier at 10 Odd Things That Could One Day Save North Korea - … 2014-3-8 · For ordinary North Koreans, a similar transition could improve their lives immeasurably. 1 Time . Cast your eye over any report regarding North Korea and things can seem pretty hopeless. Across the country, starving people are routinely raped, tortured, disappeared, or executed for such crimes as joking about Kim Jong-Un. 20 Things I Learned While I Was in North Korea | HuffPost Life The lies range from big things -- the government hammers away at the message that the U.S. is preparing to attack North Korea, the press depicts South Korea as a suffering and American-occupied country, the leaders' speeches talk about North Korea being the envy of the world with the highest quality of life -- to tiny things -- we met a soldier