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Wireless networks, otherwise known as WiFi, use radio waves so that people can connect to the Internet in all sorts of places. Learn about what you need to build a private WiFi network, in this article. Windows shows you the Network and Sharing Center. In the box marked View Your Active Networks, click the link that mentions the network type you now have. In this case, we’ll click the Public Network link to change a public network to a home network, so we click the Public Network link. Windows shows you the Set Network Location dialog box. I don't know how or who set up my Wi-Fi, but whoever did made it public. When i'm home i can only use one thing for Wi-Fi at a time. If i'm on my laptop, i can't use my iphone with Wi-Fi. It's annoying. How in the hell do i make it private? Its a netgear router. I honestly don’t understand why Microsoft can’t make management of their networks easier. I’ve followed all the steps above with Windows Server 2019 however it will will not allow me to make my second Network card a Private network. The best I can get is “no Internet” on the LAN NIC and Public on the WAN NIC.

Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 would ask if it was a private network when connecting to the network for the first time - afterwards that setting had to be changed in the Windows Firewall. Previous versions of Windows (Vista and Windows 7) would sometimes fail to detect the network, and would immediately set them to be a Public network.

Jan 19, 2017 · When you make your network connection private then other computers or devices connected to the same network can discover your device and can send request to connect it. This is generally done for

Learn how to hide or disable your in-home WiFi network, Learn how to hide or disable your in-home WiFi network, Hide or Disable Your In-Home WiFi Network.

Apr 30, 2018 · Private network. Use this for networks you trust, such as a network at home or work. When a network is set to private, your PC is discoverable to other devices on the network, and you can use your PC for file and printer sharing. Public network. Use this for networks you connect to when you’re out and about, such as a Wi-Fi network at a In my case, it is named just "Network". The following page will be opened. Turn on (tick) the desired option. Public - this option will hide your PC from other devices on the network. Other PCs won't be able to browse for shared resources available on your computer. Private - this option is suitable for your home network. Your PC will be Jul 10, 2017 · A Home network is a Private network, while a Work network is like a Private network where discovery is enabled but Homegroup sharing isn’t. To switch a network to public or private on Windows 10, you’ll need to use the Settings app. If you’re using a Wi-Fi connection, first connect to the Wi-Fi network you want to change.