racoon - NetBSD Manual Pages

NetBSD IPsec FAQ IPsec with IKE, with pre-shared secret In NetBSD case, this uses racoon(8). We authenticate peer with pre-shared secret. racoon(8) will negotiate IPsec keys dynamically and installs it into the kernel. IPsec secret key changes over time. IPsec with IKE, with certificates In NetBSD case, this uses racoon(8). We authenticate peer with certificate files. Use of IPSEC in Linux when configuring network-to-network May 15, 2012 [PROJECT ABANDONED] IPsec Tools / [Ipsec-tools-devel] Re For example, it looks like the rmconf->ike_frag variable is set to 1 only if the "ike_frag = on" is present in the racoon.conf file. But this variable is only checked before sending a fragment vendor id when acting as an initiator. So the "ike_frag = on" in the racoon.conf file really determines whether or not fragmentation will be negotiated. 2.7.5. IPsec Installation

racoon - QNX

For example, it looks like the rmconf->ike_frag variable is set to 1 only if the "ike_frag = on" is present in the racoon.conf file. But this variable is only checked before sending a fragment vendor id when acting as an initiator. So the "ike_frag = on" in the racoon.conf file really determines whether or not fragmentation will be negotiated.

Use of IPSEC in Linux when configuring network-to-network

racoon speaks IKE (ISAKMP/Oakley) key management protocol, to establish security association with other hosts. This is the IPSec-tools version of racoon. Enchancements: - Support of NAT-T and IKE fragmentation. - Support of many authentication algorithms. - Tons of bugfixes. Known issues: - Non-threaded implementation. Simultaneous key negotiation performance should be improved. Ubuntu Manpage: racoon.conf — configuration file for racoon By selecting force, IKE Fragmentation will be used when racoon is acting as the initiator even before the remote peer has advertised itself as IKE fragmentation capable. esp_frag fraglen ; This option is only relevant if you use NAT traversal in tunnel mode. Raccoon Family | Raccoon Like Animals | DK Find Out