Reverse IP Lookup - All Names Hosted at an IP - DomainTools

域名_百度百科 域名(英语:Domain Name),又称网域,是由一串用点分隔的名字组成的Internet上某一台计算机或计算机组的名称,用于在数据传输时对计算机的定位标识(有时也指地理位置)。由于IP地址具有不方便记忆并且不能显示地址组织的名称和性质等缺点,人们设计出了域名,并通过网域名称系统(DNS,Domain Register your Domain with No-IP an ICANN Accredited … No-IP's Domain Registration service brings all DNS management tasks under one roof. Your new domain can use a wildcard, so multiple names, such as "" and "", can point to a single URL or IP.

Determines your IP address and shows information (host, location, whois) about any IP address entered. Looks up to 10 IP addresses at the same time

A domain is a user-friendly naming system that allows people to easily navigate web servers and web pages. Rather than making people type in an IP address whenever they want to access a certain web page (like, websites are instead assigned easy-to-remember character strings, called domains. Domain Research | Search For Domains | Research Domain 1 day ago · Find and research new domains. The industry's best tools for finding new domains, including Domain Search, Dropping Names, and our multiple name spinning products. Research domain ownership. History products enable you to research domain ownership to find the owner of a domain you wish to buy or the provenance of a domain before a negotiation.

A handful of domains will have restrictions on them, which means you can only purchase them if you meet or exceed certain criteria or have authorization (some examples are .gov, .edu and .mil). But most extensions are available to everyone.

Domain Name Search - Check Domain Availability | A domain is a user-friendly naming system that allows people to easily navigate web servers and web pages. Rather than making people type in an IP address whenever they want to access a certain web page (like, websites are instead assigned easy-to-remember character strings, called domains. Domain Research | Search For Domains | Research Domain