The environment variable OPENSSL_CONF can be set to specify the location of the configuration file. Currently ASN1 OBJECTs and ENGINE configuration can be performed future versions of OpenSSL will add new configuration options. There are several reasons why calling the OpenSSL configuration routines is advisable.

In some situations, it can be useful to generate a CSR using OpenSSL. This manual describes the installation of OpenSSL under Windows. The environment variable OPENSSL_CONF can be set to specify the location of the configuration file. Currently ASN1 OBJECTs and ENGINE configuration can be performed future versions of OpenSSL will add new configuration options. There are several reasons why calling the OpenSSL configuration routines is advisable. References¶.;; You can specify a different configuration file by using the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable or you can specify alternative configurations within one configuration file. The configuration file is a text file and comprises several sections, such as: The ca section, which configures the CA. OpenSSL 3.0 is the next release of OpenSSL that is currently in development. This page is intended as a collection of notes for people downloading the alpha/beta releases or who are planning to upgrade from a previous version of OpenSSL to 3.0. Dec 02, 2018 · Reduce SSL cost and maintenance by using a single certificate for multiple websites using SAN certificate. SAN stands for “Subject Alternative Names” and this helps you to have a single certificate for multiple CN (Common Name).

Apr 21, 2014 · Download OpenSSLUI,OpenSSL UI,OpenSSLGUI for free. This project is intended to create a free Windows based UI for command line openssl operations. Currently a UI has been developed with Windows WPF.

As of OpenSSL 1.1.1, providing subjectAltName directly on command line becomes much easier, with the introduction of the -addext flag to openssl req (via this commit).. The commit adds an example to the openssl req man page:

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set OPENSSL_CONF=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\openssl.cnf. All files generated from the following commands will reside in "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\bin" folder. Now that you have the environment variable set, you need to create a new OpenSSL certificate request using the following command: